I reviewed each song as a "never heard before song" without applying each poster's sentiments. Most of them had a back story or connection that really makes it a personal standout for each submission and interesting to read/hear in that context. All in all I enjoyed this geeky exercise and found me some music.
. Pick Up - ON (2000)<flying rabbit> I actually liked this more than I thought I would. I by chance saw a few of these albums in the .99$ bin. but the other songs did'nt grab me at all. I'll probably buy it sooner or later as it looks at me with all the desperation of wanting to be heard. And, you know sometimes that can turn out to be an album you can live with.
. Moodswings Overture - Moodswings (1992) <timmyjoe>I was a little puzzled by this since it seemed like regular electrodancetrance stuff. I've got a bunch of lounginess I prefer over this track, but I can't ignore the particular sleaze that creeps into my mind during such a song.
. Scarlet - Dead River Drag (1998) <timis> I like this song. I like similar sounding songs but always itch to end them at 3:05. I hate it when some artists think certain songs need to go further than a 4:20 mark. I aint picking too hard 'cause I love plenty of post 5min songs but this didn't need to be.
. Riding the Nuclear Tiger - Ben Allison & Medicine Wheel (2001) <sketch>Pleasant enough. Jazz is not a frequent spin for me, but as Jazz goes sure fine.
5. Peach Lines - The Blind Shake (2007) <catswilleatyou> Not bad. I dig the guitar sound. A bit of a continuous onslaught but fits well. I'd have to put this on in a mood. Pissed off one.
6. Trouser Minnow - Rapeman (1989) <drinky>About as edgy as noise gets to melodic for me.
7. Electric Chair - Sleepy John Estes (1964) <opa>I really like the singer, the harmonica, I want to kill the fucking mandolin player and whatever fucking speed he is on 'cause he sounds like shit and ruins a pretty great song.
8. Sleeping On The Airplane - Red Wedding (1982) <cybin>Richman, B-52's, I hear lotsa stuff. A bit forced but sounds I generally like. The bridge bugs me. Its got its quirkiness firmly in cheek.
9. The Moon I Dream Of - Chrisopher Blue (2007) <cotton>I really like this. I could see comparisons to more known artists, but I wouldn't even mention names since I think he pulls off a genuine effort of his own doing.
10. Bam Bam - Toots & The Maytals (1982) <seafoam> Fuck Me
11. She's A Diamond - Opal (1987) <radcliffe>I could do some digging on this. Its not about energy here but more the chill.
12. Not Too Soon - Throwing Muses (1991) <grape ripple> I think DJ said it best. I would have loved this band in the day and I did 'cause I loved Belly, but hey I missed it then and I don't think can back track into this catalog even though I like the song.
13. Mama Told Me (Not To Come) - Three Dog Night (1970) <dumpjack> Somehow did not get his on the DL but know it well. A fine pick that will always be a part of knowing good music when you hear it. One of those unfuckwithables.
14. Grendel - Sunny Day Real Estate (1994) <hegel>Know of but don't know the music well. No hate no love here. I guess I would have liked similar in the vein of M Sweet and STP at one time or another. Just doesn't do all that much for me now as it would have then.
15. Point That Thing Somewhere Else - The Clean (1981) <estone> Kilgour and the Clean were my favorite finds for 2007. I am amazed by this band that has a timelessness yet era sound for me. Its all about simple but cool sounding in short songs. I can only hope I could find a band/player that satisfies like this every year. I can understand others saying, "What 's the big D?" It just gets me and visa versa.
16. Ballad of the Fogbound Pinhead - Thee Headcoats (1992) <no guru>]This is Kinksy fun with some other 60's garagey in it. I like it.
17. Another One Goes By - Mazarin (2005) <wenchlette>This is pretty mild. Certainly not objectionable. I'm a bit tired of the fingers across the piano strings harpish sound. Otherwise decent enough.
18. Everything You've Done Wrong - Sloan (1996) <fuckyoudave> Something makes me want to like Sloan. I can only manage to handle a couple of songs at a time. Don't mind this one, but my impression is that they don't normally sound like this. I can totally be wrong about this I know.
19. Mouthful Of Cavities - Blind Melon (1995) <twilight kid> I loved BM's debut for awhile. I tried Soup then , but nah to me. Just one of those bands I liked but never returned to. The song is fine other than that "been there" feel to me.
20. Ceres Walk - The Billy Nayer Show (2002) <capnsquirrgle> Great. Ima keeping this one. I love it when rhythm drives it all the way.
21. Electrify Me - The Plugz (1979) <nobody> Don't love it, damn good sound recording for '79 though.
22. Chinese Bakery - The Auteurs (1994) <poptodd>Hear alot about these guys. Don't know much about them. Comes off a little dated like Pulp can be, but its alright. I'd probably check some albums out to see if there's more to dig.
23. She Walks On Roses - Vigilantes Of Love (2000) <kit>I always come across a song or 2 that I like from these guys. Not this one. They've been around for awhile.
24. Wide Open Road - Triffids (1986) <mickthestripper> I would have like dthis in the day. I could dig further to find some nostalgia in this group.
25. Could Have Been - Lee Fields (2004) <shiv> So, I've been on this Daptone kick lately. It may pass, but I am pretty confident 10 years down the road I'll be happy I held on to some of these albums. Lee may not be Daptone all the time but I know that he has flirted with some of that label's groups.
26. Shut Up and Get On The Plane (live) - Drive-By Truckers (2007) <looGAR>Not a DBT fan of all but I could dig this among a few others I have heard. I know some DBT fans and they scare the shit out o' me. Heh
27. Bra - Cyamide (197?) <dalen> Great tune that seems to be a bit of what I've been grooving to lately. I had'nt heard them until D mentioned it the other day.
28. Anthem For The Already Defeated - Rock Plaza Central (2007) <no guru>I hated this at first. I think I've heard it now on the 4th listen. Its getting better, funnier.